Research Projects

Person-centered and configurational approaches for studying walkability and walking

Funded by: Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

Years: 2022-2025

The study adopts a more holistic approach and conceptualization of walkability that takes into account the complex relations between environmental elements (i.e., a configurational approach). Furthermore, it is assumed that walkability is a quality that is perceived uniquely by each individual (i.e., it takes a person-centered approach). Employing these novel theoretical approach and utilizing advanced methodological tools the study aims to makes a substantial contribution to the knowledge on walking and walkability with important applications for various fields of research in geography, and urban and environmental studies, and with practical implications for planning and policy practices.

Walking and Walkability in Israeli Cities

Funded by: Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

Years: 2019-2022

The study aims at improving our understanding regarding pedestrian activity in urban environments by performing a large-scale research about walking (behavioral) and walkability (structural) aspects. The study emphasizes two elements. First, it aims at integrating between the behavioral and structural approaches through the utilization of agent-based modeling. Second, it focuses on the unique characteristics of walking and walkability in the Israeli context. Therefore, it should support planning initiatives related to pedestrianization in Israel in the future.


Funded by EU programme HORIZON 2020 under Grant Agreement no. 870753

Years: January 2020-December 2022

SMARTDEST is an EU-funded H2020 research project which brings together 11 universities and 1 innovation center with the aim of understanding issues and developing solutions brought about by tourism-related mobility in cities.


Funded by: H2020-EU.1.3 under Grant agreement ID: 956780

Years: January 2021-December 2024

The EU-funded SURREAL project is aimed at creating a unique training network for 15 early-stage researchers to work together to investigate the complexity of urban health and to collaborate on creating adequate interventions. As part of the project our lab is investigating the effects of environmental exposure on mental health within a smart cities’ context. We are also especially interested in investigating social media use and the digitalization of cities.


Funded by: Center for Urban Innovation at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Years: 2022-

Residents in Jerusalem will be continuously tracked during their daily lives for long time periods (aiming to track residents for few years each). Data about participants’ location, mobility, activity, mental and physical state will be automatically recorded in the background using state-of-the-art mobile sensing techniques.


  • Promoting livable environments – Promote human-centered and data driven planning practices that support livable environments
  • Real-time insights – Translating the collected data into immediate insights relevant to stakeholders (e.g., through dashboards) 
  • State-of-the-art database – Continuously accumulate mobile sensing data to allow cutting edge investigation of people in urban environments

Phase 1: To test the feasibility and potential of the research design, we intend to start with a pilot research that will focus on sensing the elderly population. 60 elderlies from two neighborhoods in Jerusalem, one more deprived and the other more affluent will be sampled for a period of one year. The study will be designed by a group of interdisciplinary researchers in collaboration with stakeholders.